Monday, February 1, 2010

Dog In Pain When Yawning There Is A Pain I Haven't Felt

There is a pain I haven't felt - dog in pain when yawning

I go to the DR, as a non-random, it is necessary to know now. lol ... anyway ..

My right lower left rib hurts when I breathe evil, yawning, sneezing, coughing, etc. Only in the left ... When I go to bed or a little pain extends to guess where my uterus, but not sure. If I hurt even more pressure on him does, but I feel nothing and is not a constant pain .. that in situations like I said earlier.

Ive had a constant headache on the left side of the head and the medicine has not helped.

It all started when I to sacrifice my dog, and I was an emotional wreck.

I know it is not appendicitis, because it is on the right side ..

This could be a muscle injury or a bad thing?


mafu_wit... said...

Stress can also cause pain in the chest, and are usually very strong, a bit like a needle inside. I experienced it myself, and I know how scary it is, if you that can start something far worse troubles.

Breathe in deeply through drinking water (I do not know, but it always helped me).

And, of course, as you said, you tell your doctor:)

Sorry for your dog, and I hope you feel better soon.

inteleye... said...

Did not you agree or heavy lifting or push-up ... could be a muscle or a rib jumping.

suzyq070... said...

"It all started when I sacrifice my dog," There is your answer. If you feel emotional pain, feel the physical pain.

Nevertheless, a doctor and make sure you know, do not you forget to tell him about your dog, and any behavior that may have changed, though not so stressed. (Eating more or less alcohol, not drinking enough water, sleep habits ..... You get the point)

mommanuk... said...

The area we are talking about, it is likely that the left kidney. If you have an infection, the pain would be as you described, and may be up to the area of the bladder. Wait, you do not take too long on this occasion, as a kidney infection can have serious consequences, and left untreated can lead to permanent damage.

FraggedR... said...

Is it not the prerogative of the Left?

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